MSQH Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator is a measurement of the service/clinical management, by looking at its structure ,process and outcome.BTMC have met and exceed the Benchmark set by MSQH Accreditation for below Performance Indicator for Year 2023

1 Emergency Department Waiting time relative to triage category  – Red zone seen immediately 100%
Waiting time relative to triage category – Yellow zone seen within 30 minutes ≥85%
Waiting time relative to triage category- Green zone seen within 90 minutes
2 CATHLAB Major Complication Rates during Percutaneous Coronary Intervention < 1%
Major Complication Rates during Diagnostic Coronary Angiogram < 1%
3 Infection Control Percentage of healthcare associated infections < 5%
Number of Resistant Organisms to Antibiotics within a specified period of time MRSA <0.3%
ESBL <0.3%
4 Internal Medicine Dengue Case Fatality Rate 0%
5 Surgical Percentage of unplanned re-admission within 72 hours of discharge ≤1%
6 Operation Theater Rate of Compliance to Safe Surgery Saves Lives (SSSL) Practice 100%
7 ICU Rate of Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection < 5 per 1000 catheter days
Rate of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) < 10 per 1000 ventilator days
8 Radiology Perfect, Good, Moderate, Inadequate (PGMI) audits for mammography ≥ 97% for Perfect, Good & Moderate