Medical and Retinal Services

Medical and Retinal Services

Ophthalmology Services

Medical and Retinal Services

The retina is a light sensitive layer in the back of the eye that focuses images and transmits them to the brain via the optic nerve, enabling you to see. Any part of your retina can be affected by retinal diseases.

Although retinal issues vary greatly, most can cause visual symptoms. Depending on your condition, treatment goals may include stopping or slowing the disease and preserving, improving or restoring your vision. Some retinal diseases, if left untreated, can result in severe vision loss or blindness.

Medical and Retinal Services

The retina is a light sensitive layer in the back of the eye that focuses images and transmits them to the brain via the optic nerve, enabling you to see. Any part of your retina can be affected by retinal diseases.

Although retinal issues vary greatly, most can cause visual symptoms. Depending on your condition, treatment goals may include stopping or slowing the disease and preserving, improving or restoring your vision. Some retinal diseases, if left untreated, can result in severe vision loss or blindness.

Retinal Diseases

At EYECENTRIC in Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre (BTMC), we address a variety of retinal diseases in children and adults. These include:

  1. Retinal Detachment

    Retinal detachments occur when the retina pulls away from its normal position. The eye issue can happen for several reasons, including:

    • Extreme nearsightedness (myopia)
    • Previous retinal detachment in one eye
    • Family history of retinal detachment
    • Previous eye surgery
    • Previous eye injury or trauma
    • Previous eye disease or inflammation
  2. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an eye disease that can develop in infants born preterm or with low birth weight. It results from abnormal blood vessels growing into areas of the eye where they are not supposed to be, causing the formation of scar tissues. The presence of scar tissues may result in infants developing retinal detachment, visual loss and eventually blindness if they do not receive treatment.

    Some mild cases of ROP will go away on their own. However, some are severe enough to cause scarring, pulling the retina away from the rest of the eye and causing permanent damage. Surgery is required in these situations to avert the possibility of vision loss or blindness.

  3. Retinoblastoma

    Retinoblastoma is an ocular tumour that grows from immature retinal cells, the light-detecting tissue of the eye. It is more commonly found in children than in adults.

    During the early stages of a baby's development, retinal eye cells experience rapid growth, followed by a period of suspended growth. Retinoblastoma develops in extremely rare circumstances when one or more cells continue to grow and form.

Common Eye Tests

Our ophthalmologists will perform a series of tests to understand the problem better and the degree to which it has advanced before they will be able to provide a diagnosis. Among the tests are:

  1. Retinal Examination - The retina is examined with the help of a bright light and a specialised lens (ophthalmoscope) as part of the comprehensive eye check-ups. This examination provides a detailed view of any abnormality that may be present in the retina.
  2. Ultrasound Imaging - Ultrasound imaging is utilised to detect any abnormality in the retina if there is bleeding inside the eye.


EYECENTRIC ophthalmologists will recommend treatments or procedures according to the conditions affecting the internal structure of the eye. These procedures include:

  1. Pneumatic retinopexy - In this treatment, an expanding gas bubble is injected into the centre of the eye to press the retinal hole against the back of the eye. Laser therapy (thermal) or cold therapy (cryotherapy) is used to seal any retina tears.
  2. Laser therapy (thermal) - Laser treatment on the blood vessels in the eye that does away with surgical incisions.
  3. Cold therapy (cryotherapy) - Treatment with targeted cold therapy that freezes cells to heal affected areas.
  4. Scleral buckle - Your eye doctor will surgically place a buckle (silicone band) to hold the retina in place.
  5. Vitrectomy - Removal of the vitreous fluid (a gel-like substance inside the eye) to provide access to areas of the eye for treatment. The retina is secured in place by injecting gas, air or silicone oil into the vitreous region and natural fluid is used to fill the vitreous gap.

EYECENTRIC at BTMC is home to a team of experienced eye surgeons, optometrists and ophthalmologists dedicated to offering comprehensive treatment for various eye issues, ranging from cataract surgery to the treatment of retinal issues.